Tales from a Team Lead

The Call Center Chronicles


As some of you may know, I am going away for a while as I take my Vacation Leave outside the Philippines. I earned these leaves since January and I feel I deserve a break. I'll be touring a few European countries for a month or so, and I won’t be able to drop on Entrecard or Adgitize, or blog throughout that time.

Thanks to all of you who have followed this blog! I do hope that you can still drop and click here in my absence. Also, do check out my earlier posts and tell me what you think! You can click the links below or go to my sidebar's Navigate and pick your topic. I'll surely go and visit your blog as soon as I get back!

SOME TAGS: Travel, Travel Tips, Lovelife

Also, I prepared a new blog for your daily visits while I am away, please check out my collection of flickr pictures over at Pick a Flickr Pic A Day!

Happy blogging to everyone and thanks for reading this!

photo credit: UnSeEn


For LOST Fans...(like him)

For CSI Fans...(like me)

And for all my Agents and Friends at work...

I'll be back. I know you can hang on without me. You are All Great! Just be confident in everything that You do. And Always Smile! Your Smile not only changes the tone of your voice over the phone, it will Also make YOU Feel Better. That is The Most Important Thing! That You are Happy with what You are doing and with Who YOU are!

For My Family and Friends Everywhere...

I will Miss You All!
I'll be back in a few weeks!



☼ Labels: flickr pick, quotes, contest

"Nothing is impossible to a willing heart." ~John Heywood

"The World Looks So Good When You’re Wearing Heart Socks"
Photo By: Janoid

Who can guess the occasion? I'll give out 500 EC Credits!


☼ Labels: travel, travel tips

Above is part of my luggage last year. Too bad, this year I cannot take a photo coz my digicam is broke. I planned to buy a new one before I leave, but my bf told me that we should just buy there since it is cheaper. At first I was hesitant but we could use some extra cash for something else indeed.

I will start packing tomorrow soon as I get home after work. Then on Sunday, I will buy other essential things I need to bring (including the pasalubong for him and his family):

    ■ coffee beans (preferably barako)
    ■ cashew nuts (aka kasoy)
    ■ dried mangoes
    ■ zip lock plastic bags (for liquid containers, mandatory for airport inspection)
    ■ luggage fabric freshener (I forgot what it's called, but it looks like a fabric or strong tissue that can be used in your washing machine's spin dry, placed in a cabinet or bag)
    ■ Philippine History Book (I need to find the best author! I'm not sure if Teodoro Agoncillo was the one I bought him before, or was it Zaide?)

Well, I'm about to sleep now and I know I have a longer list in my head. I can't think now but I will update later if I remember what other "things" I need to buy.

Hmm... I planned to have a haircut too but I think we have an OT tonight. So I guess I'd be too tired when I get home to deal with my long messy hair. Ha!


Love is space and time measured by the heart. ~ Marcel Proust

photo by: PatrickV82


☼ Labels: blogging
Here's something to get my mind off from work. Got this cool idea from Terri and I just had to play along! Its so FUN! You gotta try it!

Type in "[your name] needs" in the Google search
Zee needs to be inside a rap institution (WTF! No I don't! That'll make me more crazy!)

"[your name] looks like"
Zee. Looks like a big mess. (Teehee)

"[your name] wants"
Zee wants it dry. (Erm... do I?)

"[your name] does"
Zee does a U-turn, seeks government OK for bundling. (lol, I don't even drive! Or does this mean another thing?)

"[your name] hates"
Zee hates her long nails (so that's why I bite them all off!)

"[your name] asks"
Zee asks when the time might come to give up on the planet (In fact, I am a member of Greenpeace.)

"[your name] likes"
Zee likes sticking her tongue out at photographers! (LOL! So true! Ask my boyfriend who shots my every move! Worse than a paparazzi!)

"[your name] eats"
Zee Eats The Meaty Bone. (ooOOOHHHhhhoo?!?)

"[your name] wears"
Zee, wears hot ticket items from crop tops and aggressive cuffs to sexy pantsuits (sexy pantsuits? Ha! How I wish...)

"[your name] was arrested for"
Zee was arrested for murder (And it is the only google hit! Geee..)

"[your name] loves"
Zee Loves Ham and others you may know. (Here comes the "meat" thingy again! Erm, and what "others"?)

If you give this one a try, I'd love to read it. Leave me a link in the comments.
This was fun!


☼ Labels: CC lifestyle, work

I ask myself "Why am I not chained to my desk?" The clock is ticking and we haven't met the quota with Project A yet and Project B's numbers aren't pretty as well.

The problem is, I need to constantly man the floor and walk around to catch agents who are slacking off, agents who cannot control their droopy eyes and do not pursue their calls.

Most of them feel the pressure, but I must admit, not everyone has the same level of dedication. Motivation is one factor but it is not the Only key.

I also need to give them the leads they need, and the ones that came from the client has to be cleaned thoroughly.

The overtime last weekend made me realize that when the client gives me a set of leads, it needs to be COUNTIF'ed with the leads given by my boss or else, there would be a major dupe dilemma! And who would want to call people who were already somebody else's SALE?! Never assume that the bosses check everything with the client, even if that is their job!

I was asked by a colleague, How do I "keep my composure and smile despite of all the stress?"

By being positive!

Honestly, I like this kinda pressure. Especially if tons of excel sheets are spread in front of me. It livens me up and the rush is just great! I know it sounds weird but I would rather have this than to have nothing else to do. This is beneficial to the brain too! LMAO!

And the best part is, once the outcome makes the client and bosses happy, there's a great sense of accomplishment and thrill that envelopes your being. Sometimes though, even if there were no compliments, just the thought and feeling of doing something nobody else can, or attempted, or did without whining, is simply satisfying!


☼ Label: after work, blogging
I was commissioned a couple of weeks ago to make a blog for one of our campaigns at work. There were three conditions. I am not "technically" under the payroll of this campaign, as they call me their "freelance" designer. Unfortunately, the second condition, since it seems to be just a favor, the compensation will come in soon as it becomes a success.

So, IF it doesn't, then all efforts are useless. Well, uhm, not really 'coz the third condition is, I can do whatever I want as long as I coordinate with their campaign's team lead. And he is the one who will maintain it. That's a plus since their team lead may be more techie than me, but I am more knowledgeable about the blogsphere and blog codings. So I can add google adsense there. I can even add Adgitize and/or Entrecard if I wish too. I just hope the blog won't be considered as Spam by others. It's as Legit as this. Only, less personal.

I was excited at first but dismayed as well especially when I learned of the second condition. I would love to take the risk but I am being rushed. I have a vacation coming soon so I need to finish it before I go. Also, because we have a tight deadline in my own campaign, I am always just too tired to even face the computer soon as I get home. I feel like I do not have enough time.

I still have major planning and packing to do. Family events and medical appointments to attend to. And SLEEP! Not to mention, attend to my blogs!

Ahrg! Don't forget my books that I need and want to read, my paintings... well there are artworks in my head that can't be realized on actual paint yet too.

No wonder my boyfriend said to me last night that I "would work myself to death" at the rate I am now.

So the vacation is just so perfect! I need to pause and breathe fresh air. I need to detach myself from all these or else it will consume me and eat me whole!

I need to get in touch with my brain's right hemisphere. And most especially, my heart.


☼ Labels: rants, work
The post below was drafted last night. But can anyone guess where I wrote this?
------- *.* ------- *.* -------

Yeah, I think you guessed it right! Where am I? I'm at work! Geesh! On a Saturday night!

I previously planned to finally start packing my luggage for my trip but no, it's not possible anymore. Well, not today that is. I have one more weekend to go and Sunday night is still unsure too!

I informed the agents that we might come in on Sunday too. But if I won't get a call or text message from my boss then we won't report for work! That's it. 12 days straight of work, plus the overtime of TWO HOURS A DAY is just too absurd!

Overtime pay you say? I asked the agents and its a unanimous decision that we would rather skip one OT pay for a chance to rest!

We are not robots. We have a LIFE you know!


☼ Labels: travel tips
What ever happened to the Swine Flu or A (H1N1)? Last update from the Department of Health was last July 9th.

According to the Department, as far as the geographic profile of the 1,709 cases reported in the Philippines as of June 27, 2009, the National Capital Region has the most number of patients: comprising 72% (1,225). Cases from NCR mostly came from Quezon City, Manila, Parañaque, Pasig and Makati. Ouch!

Strangely, I have yet to meet a person who has or have recovered from this disease.

They also stated that, as of June 29, the virus has recorded 70,893 cases worldwide, with 311 deaths from 109 reporting countries.

Here's the breakdown of cases from the WHO, as of as of 6 August 2009:


Cumulative total

as of 6 Aug 2009



WHO Regional Office for Africa (AFRO)



WHO Regional Office for the Americas (AMRO)



WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO)



WHO Regional Office for Europe (EURO)

over 32000


WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia (SEARO)



WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WPRO)






*Given that countries are no longer required to test and report individual cases, the number of cases reported actually understates the real number of cases.

Yikes! Europe! My oh my oh My!

So in just 8 days, 311 deaths jumped to 1,462! So that is like 1,151 deaths in just 8 days! That's about 144 per day and oh... 0.757 per country per day. Erm... Ok not really something to panic about if you really look into it. Not even one person a day pass away from 190 countries.

Pfew! Ok, so I know there are no food supplements, vitamins or vaccines that cure or treat A (H1N1). But having a Flu shot can prevent other kinds of influenza.

Tomorrow, I'm getting my 2nd shot of the cervical cancer vaccine (also called the Human Papillomavirus or HPV vaccine). So I'm thinking if I should also get a Flu Shot too. What do you think?


NOPE. Contrary to popular belief, July 26, 2009 was not a holiday. It was never meant to be a doubly paid day, it was never even intended to be 30% pay. It was just named a "special holiday" for the intention of "commemorating" historical events. The Iglesia Ni Cristo founding and SONA. So if you came to work that day, just like us, it was treated as another ordinary Monday.

And what a Manic Monday it was indeed.

Pay slips and the couple-of-hours-delayed salaries came in today. And to our surprise, (nope, we were not surprised about getting our pay past 7:00pm, but it was not a reason to be happy either) July 26 has no additional pay!

Despite paying the cab driver extra just to try and get you to work on time that day, despite everyone at home staying at home all day and be noisy, preventing you to have a decent sleep, because they do not have school nor work, us CC folks put up with everything else for an Ordinary Day.

Yes, a few emails were passed around and forwarded regarding this matter but the research efforts were discarded. Hours have gone wasted just because of this debate. And energies were worn down until break time.

What's the moral of the story then? The HRD should better inform people whether an announced Holiday on the News would be double, 30%, half, or whatever... on or before the day itself, (or at least be professional enough to make an announcement before the payday) so that hard working people will not expect, and clueless people will not act dumb.


☼ Labels: work

Our schedule was moved to an hour late, and I was not thrilled with it. The client is still here in the country. I was handling 2 groups of agents. Two campaigns. I have to prepare for a training for tomorrow and I have to generate leads. Plus add the tons of reports and people not answering my mails. And today was even worse... We had to stay 2 hours more after shift to add numbers on the board! Waah! I really can't wait to get into that plane and have my long awaited vacation!


☼ Labels: blogging, flickr pick
Don't let your old posts just be a thing of the past. Link to your posts to increase page views. Here's a nice widget to add to your blog!

Show Related Stories Under Each Post

LinkWithin is a blog widget that appears under each post, linking to related stories from your blog archive.

Don't Let Your Past Stories Go to Waste!

Linkwithin retrieves and index all stories from your blog archive, not just recent stories, making them accessible to new or casual readers of your blog who would not otherwise encounter them.

Increase Pageviews, Keep Readers Engaged

The widget links to stories that are relevant and interesting to readers of a particular post, keeping them engaged with your blog, and increasing your traffic.

Best thing about this is it's FREE and easy to install.

See this live demo below my post. If you want to test it, click here to refresh and see each links change every time.

Happy Blogging!


☼ Labels: flickr pick, travel, quotes

Vacation Countdown Banner

Get your own countdown widget

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Photo credit:
"I'll fly away, I'll fly away" by ingephotography


☼ Labels: music, rave

Don't you just hate it when a band / artist name was "almost" copied by somebody else who do not even share the same genre?


I do.

Meet the British band that I loved since my college years...

The Sundays

Please listen to them at MYSPACE or Playlist.com
Read about them at WIKIPEDIA and ROLLINGSTONE.com

And a decade later, here comes a bunch of Spice Girls-wannabees. Not that I care if some quartet would like to be spin-offs of the Spice Girls. But why oh WHY on earth would a girly group name themselves NOW... urgh! "The Saturdays"!?!??! WTF! Don't tell me "they didn't know"!

Oh, apologies to people like JACQ, who posted a vid of them - where I first read and saw...

I'm just venting here. Like duh.

Well people, you be the judge.

Here is where the story ends...


☼ Labels: travel, travel tips
Every guidebook repeats - travel light! A mound of luggage marks you as an amateur traveler, which also becomes a tremendous burden. My tip: bring along less than you can carry, because you will add things up along the way. It's 99% sure!

But before you go in a panic frenzy, just remember: You always need fewer clothes than you think you will! Have you ever traveled and went back home only to realize that there were shirts, pants and more that were not even worn? Yep. We tend to over-pack!

For the Girls, here's a nice list of the basics that a luggage must include:

    ■ 1 pair of heavy-duty slacks or jeans
    ■ 1 pair slacks or shirt that can be dressed up
    ■ 3 blouses
    ■ 1 sweater
    ■ 1 dress or suit
    ■ 1 jacket or raincoat
    ■ 2 pairs walking shoes
    ■ 1 pair high heels (optional - depending if you foresee yourself attending a dress function)
    ■ 1 nightgown or pajamas
    ■ 1 robe (can be used as bench robe just in case)
    ■ 1 pair slippers
    ■ 1 swimsuit (optional - depending on the climate of the country you will visit, some may even bring this to a cold country if the hotel has an indoor pool or spa)
    ■ 3 changes stockings, socks, underwear

For hand-carry, always bring the stuff you can't afford to lose (money, credit cards, passport, travel documents, mobile phone, your camera and batteries), and extra undies just in case your luggage got lost or left behind somewhere. Toiletries like toothbrush and paste is very essential, a small mouthwash bottle will do the trick too in case you run out of toothpaste. Also place here your deodorant, cologne or perfume, feminine wash, a small soap and shampoo. But be sure not to bring over-sized containers that is used by your whole family at home!

Just bring enough that will last you a few days. You can always buy additional from stores or use the complimentary ones from the hotel you are staying at (unless you plan to bring them home for souvenir ~ lol). And don't forget to put all your liquids in a resealable plastic. Some airports have this rule as mandatory and it is also for your own good. Believe me.

Helpful Tips for the type of clothes:

Vary the materials according to the season and destination. And because the Philippines is a tropical country, first time travelers outside the PH tend to underestimate what "cold weather" means. I learned this hard way! 2 degrees is way way too cold! For those who visited Baguio City (usually the temp there is 10-18 degrees), you may say that it feels like there is a giant air con outdoors! But when you go to a below 5 degrees country, it feels like you are in a giant FREEZER!

And so I am reminded each time an agent complains that the air conditioning in our office is too cold, it is NOTHING compared to what "cold" really means. The key is read about the country you will visit before going.

Anyways, for summer, bring cotton, linen or light wool. A sundress with a light jacket is enough.

For Winter: heavy wool, warm coat, a suit or even ski clothes (preferably padded). You need a hat or bonnet, or a cap without a wide brim for windy weather.

That's it. I think that would be enough. Don't be tempted to bring double of the amount above. I read on The Independent Women's Guide to Europe by Linda White, that "one week's supply of clothing will get you through three months". Well, maybe three weeks for me, but still you don't need to bring one piece of clothing for each day! (Despite what your mother says). Just make sure to keep the clothes clean! So don't forget to bring a few sachets of washing powder.

All these will save you a few bucks that can be used for fine food or even shopping!!


☼ Labels: flickr pick, lovelife

        ... I will feel again
Your Hand in Mine...

Lovers by the Sea
by: Sansen


☼ Labels: blogging, flickr pick
(Cory: Goodbye and farewell!)

Not many knew that she was an artist and fluent in French. After her first year in High School, she was sent overseas to study in Ravenhill Academy in Philadelphia and New York schools, Notre Dame Convent School and the College of Mount Saint Vincent. She studied liberal arts and graduated in 1953 with a Bachelor of Arts in French Language, with a minor in mathematics. She intended to become a math teacher and language interpreter. [read more at wikipedia]

Too bad I only found one of her paintings online, from zippylemon.

One of her latest works fetched 600,000 Php at a charity auction for breast cancer patients but I'm not sure if that is the painting above. In an interview in 2008, she mentioned that she planed to go back to painting immediately “when I return to my home on Times St., where my studio is.”

How I wish I could see her other works. I'm afraid I have seen (and the numbers will add soon) more museums outside the Philippines than here. Tsk! And I still long to see in real life Juan Luna's Spolarium! Strangely, the National Museum is always closed everytime we go there.

So this ends my 5 consecutive days of blogging for Cory. I'd rather do this than blog about Micheal Jackson...

I wish that when I get old I can say this too:

"Don’t worry, I have lived a full life... I cannot ask for more." ~ Cory Aquino


☼ Labels: blogging, local holiday

Last weekend, the President announced a 10-day period of national mourning for the death of the country's democracy icon. And today will be a Non-Working Special Holiday to give chance to Filipinos who wants to pay tribute and take part in the burial rites of Cory.

But too bad for CC people like me, holiday or not, we have to work tonight.

Here are some photos from Inquirer's twitter


☼ Labels: blogging, flickr pick

I heard the news on the radio on my way home. At work, a colleague got an sms from a friend that Cory passed away. Her cancer finally took over her body.

In the cab, I heard the reporter read a passage of Cory's prayer before her death. Apparently, she penned this down weeks after they found out she has Colon Cancer. After the reporter read a few lines, I got goosebumps.

Sure, her presidency was not perfect, but is there such a thing? Whatever your religion may be, whatever side of politics you belong to, death is death. And whether there is an afterlife or not, nobody will find out until the time when you, yourself will face death. The important question is, what have you done with your life?

Anyway, I finally found a copy of the prayer online.

Prayer for a Happy Death
by Corazon Aquino

Almighty God, most merciful Father
You alone know the time
You alone know the hour
You alone know the moment
When I shall breathe my last.
So, remind me each day,
most loving Father
To be the best that I can be.
To be humble, to be kind,
To be patient, to be true.
To embrace what is good,
To reject what is evil,
To adore only You.
When the final moment does come
Let not my loved ones grieve for long.
Let them comfort each other
And let them know
how much happiness
They brought into my life.
Let them pray for me,
As I will continue to pray for them,
Hoping that they will always pray
for each other.
Let them know that they made possible
Whatever good I offered to the world.
And let them realize that our separation
Is just for a short while
As we prepare for our reunion in eternity.
Our Father in heaven,
You alone are my hope.
You alone are my salvation.
Thank you for your unconditional love, Amen.


☼ Labels: blogging, manila
Rest in Peace...

“I would rather die a meaningful death than to live a meaningless life.” ~ Maria Corazon "Cory" Cojuangco Aquino (January 25, 1933 – August 1, 2009)
Official Website of Cory
Online Testimonial for Cory Aquino

President Arroyo orders 10 days of mourning for the late former president Cory Aquino. And in tribute to that. I'll be placing my own yellow ribbon here at my blog.

If you would like to place a white ribbon on your blog or if you currently already have, please add your link here.


I'm calling all Filipino bloggers and anyone who wants to pay tribute to to a great Filipina, to place a yellow ribbon for at least 10 days and write a post about it on their blogs. Please add your blog links here:

You can create your own or grab this badge:

Here are some people who have placed a yellow ribbon as a sign of mourning...

Photo credits (in order):
Jose Javato
Psychedelic Tuna
Erwin Oliva
Koyang's Lens


☼ Labels: lovelife, travel

I can't believe how time flies! I have started packing my luggage and writing my list of things to bring, to do and to buy. In a few days I'll be on hiatus at the blogsphere to travel outside the country.

Maybe I'll post a few photos when I get back. But one thing's for sure, I need to decide if I buy that 0% interest on a new digicam. Or should I buy it at the airport to avail it tax free? Then I won't be able to take a photo like this on my way out of the country...


Woah... my long awaited vacation is finally here.
Honey! See you soon!

photo credit: "Aeroplane sunset" by sincerely

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I work in a Call Center. My daily life includes coffee, aspirins, coffee, my love life, my family, more coffee, my friends, blogging, even more coffee, insomnia, dreams and daydreaming and oh.. yes,
my job.


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