Tales from a Team Lead

The Call Center Chronicles

We all have clothes that we do not use anymore. Why not donate them instead? We ask everyone to go over your stuff and maybe find clothes that can be used by those who lost everything they own...

Philippine Airlines will airlift for free all relief donations intended for victims of typhoon Ondoy. All provincial PAL stations will load on flights bound for Manila any bulk cargo box containing donations addressed to reputable, non-profit, charitable organizations in Manila.

To maximize the cargo load of the aircraft, PAL station heads will be verifying and limiting the contents of the donation boxes to items of value and use, and exclude such donations as expired food and medicines, water, rice (due to weight considerations) and unusable stuff.

Complete information of the consignee organization must be supplied with the cargo box/container inscribed with "care of the PAL Foundation". Individual donations for private or personal families will not be accommodated.

source: Free PAL airlift of donations for Ondoy victims

This is just one of the hundreds of vids...

see flickr photos here

The day after my flight... only 5% of the agents showed up. Gee! I hope they didn't take it against me that almost everyone went on leave. Well that was their decision, and I have nothing to do with it.. Now after that humiliating turn out, the big boss said that moving forward, any agent who wished to be absent should text him first and he will decide if it is allowed or not. Previously, they text me. And I only allow a certain number of agents per day. SOmetimes even none.

Anyway, that was a bit funny to hear about. Someone from a different department told me while we were chatting a few days after the incident. And soon as I got back, I asked the ones who were present if all these were true. And the story is confirmed.


Maybe I'll be there with my nieces... a small treat from being on vacation.

Just a quick posty to welcome myself back to the Corporate World!

Now daydreaming is still allowed, only its gonna take a few more months again before it happens!

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I work in a Call Center. My daily life includes coffee, aspirins, coffee, my love life, my family, more coffee, my friends, blogging, even more coffee, insomnia, dreams and daydreaming and oh.. yes,
my job.


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