Tales from a Team Lead

The Call Center Chronicles

☼ Labels: blogging, music

...Yes! I finally resurrected from the dead. Or should I say zombie state-of-mind? Oh I am unpredictable alright... And my mood today dictates that I should be back in the blogsphere!

As for my schizophrenic persona online who went on hiatus, I decided to take it one step at a time. Maybe I'll update the others, like my art blog, music blog, photo blog and whatnot.. but for now, I better "cure" myself by sticking to one alter ego. lol...

So for starters, here's an amazing video (more like "photo-slides") from a painfully beautiful song...

To Wish Impossible Things
by The Cure

remember how it used to be
when the sun would fill up the sky
remember how we used to feel
those days would never end
those days would never end

remember how it used to be
when the stars would fill the sky
remember how we used to dream
those nights would never end
those nights would never end

it was the sweetness of your skin
it was the hope of all we might have been
that fills me with the hope to wish
impossible things

but now the sun shines cold
and all the sky is grey
the stars are dimmed by clouds and tears
and all i wish
is gone away
all i wish
is gone away

all i wish
is gone away

note to self: don't be gone off too long.. again

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I work in a Call Center. My daily life includes coffee, aspirins, coffee, my love life, my family, more coffee, my friends, blogging, even more coffee, insomnia, dreams and daydreaming and oh.. yes,
my job.


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