Tales from a Team Lead

The Call Center Chronicles

☼ Labels: blogging, fashion, vacation

A few weeks from now, I'd be in hiatus for a month. I'm off for a vacation in a cold place but I will try to post or at least visit the blogosphere as often as I can. Things may be pretty busy then so I am not sure, but my absence here doesn't mean I will not return.

Last time I was in the other side of the word, I was not prepared for the cold. The jackets I brought were not enough that I needed a coat over it to prevent me from freezing. And boy do I look like a penguin! LOL

And now that I know how below 10 degrees really meant, I should go there prepared and not look like a 12 year old being dressed by her dad. lol And I must admit, I am not that tall!

One of my cousins just lent me her coat today. It was a leather coat sent by her mom from the US which she never wore here in the Philippines, for obvious reasons. It was a size small but thankfully it fits. I just hope I can still wear enough clothes under it in case it gets too cold.

Although I'm still hunting for a nicer coat, coz I'm really not into leather. It's just too difficult to find one here! Ahrg. I wanted to find something like this:

If you're from Manila, would you happen to know where to buy a coat?


Great outfit. Us guys have it much easier when the cold weather hits, we can layer up clothing.

I hope I can indeed find a similar coat. Thanks for dropping by!

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I work in a Call Center. My daily life includes coffee, aspirins, coffee, my love life, my family, more coffee, my friends, blogging, even more coffee, insomnia, dreams and daydreaming and oh.. yes,
my job.


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