Tales from a Team Lead

The Call Center Chronicles

☼ Labels: accident
Continued from Accident at Work...

Soon as I arrived at the Hospital, the nurse at the entrance took my temperature. It was a new standard procedure to check if patients have the H1N1 flu. Then I was brought in a wheel chair to the surgery emergency room for examination.

After a few questions and presentation of my Health Card, I was brought to the X-ray Department to have some "shots". Strangely, they preferred having those xrays first before treating my bleeding legs and arms.

I had about a dozen shots before they wheeled me in back to the ER for treatment. Then I realized the reason why the xrays should be first. I was calm enough for the xrays but soon as they cleaned my wounds I broke down. It was all painful and I couldn't help but bite my lips and cry. How I wished I was just unconscious during this time.

The nurse was gentle and very careful but it was the mixed cold and heat from the liquids passing on my swollen broken skin that hurts so bad. After the procedure, I was asked to wait for the xray results and for the resident doctor. I tried to sleep to at least skip time and not feel pain but I couldn't. Because, every time I close my eyes, I see myself falling again and again. It was a nightmare!

I cried again for the thought that I may have broken my legs or I would need surgery. I wanted to call my boyfriend but he would be asleep by now and I do not like to worry him. I was thinking of the scheduled vacation I have with him and the fear that it may not push through because of this. But the doctor came and a glow in his face signaled that everything would be okay.

He has seen the xrays and said that I did not break any bone and the scars will heal in time. They just needed to give me anti-tetanus shots to avoid infection. He interviewed me for a while and gave me the shots. I was given an immediate anti-tetanus vaccine and another one that will last for 5 years.

They gave me the prescriptions and schedules. I was also required to go on a follow-up check up after a few days. They also mentioned that my health card will not pay for the 2nd vaccine. So I just paid for it through credit card and the hospital ER staff told me that I could refund it from my company since I fell within company premises. All I need to do is file for an Industrial claim from the SSS and all will be fine.

And I thought, everything would be fine, soon as I can walk properly.

Right now I am staying at home and recovering from my wounds. I hope I can walk straight soon so I can go back to work. I miss my friends and my hectic schedule. But most of all, I miss my honey. I hope he is here right now to take care of me...


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I work in a Call Center. My daily life includes coffee, aspirins, coffee, my love life, my family, more coffee, my friends, blogging, even more coffee, insomnia, dreams and daydreaming and oh.. yes,
my job.


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