Tales from a Team Lead

The Call Center Chronicles

Catchy title huh? Unfortunately, the new health card that my office switched to recently did not help.

My colleague who was brought to the ER yesterday was not properly examined because the hospital "cannot contact our health card provider". (I shall not mention the name of the company nor the hospital, to avoid being promoted in search engines - and this blog getting hits from them too) Turns out, that they are not open 24 hours and the contact numbers were all just RNA's (CC term for phone's just ringing, with no answer).

Soon as they were there, the ER staff had to check the provider first, validate the identity, before even giving the patient a space to rest on. Then soon after the hospital staff realized that it's not possible, they just gave him some meds and asked for a urine sample (that the patient needs to pay first before doing so). Then despite vomiting blood, the patient was released. Just like that!

Strange! And I am simply appalled by this!

The patient then had no choice but to just go home with the doctor's prescription even if he is still not feeling well and totally clueless of what just happened.


But hopefully on Saturday, they will go to another hospital (and a better one at that) and get the proper treatment that he deserves!

I recommended the hospital that I went to when I had my accident.


Really WTF!
You should brought this matter to your HRD so they will know what kind of service you got from your new health care provider.

Its a good thing that my our health card is reliable. Btw, my wife is also working in a call center somewhere in Alabang.

Well my boss knows about this now and he forwarded the concern to the board. I may hear more on Monday. Thanks for the visit again, Vlad. And your wife is from a CC too?! Nice...

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I work in a Call Center. My daily life includes coffee, aspirins, coffee, my love life, my family, more coffee, my friends, blogging, even more coffee, insomnia, dreams and daydreaming and oh.. yes,
my job.


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