Tales from a Team Lead

The Call Center Chronicles

☼ Labels: flickr pick, quotes, contest

"Nothing is impossible to a willing heart." ~John Heywood

"The World Looks So Good When You’re Wearing Heart Socks"
Photo By: Janoid

Who can guess the occasion? I'll give out 500 EC Credits!


I'll make a wild guess...

This is the day that we're going to bag the Ms. Universe crown again after what? 36 years?

hehe...seriously.. bday mo ba Ms. Zee?:D

Is it your anniversary? I love the heart clouds!

Sorry for the super delayed reply guys! Pinaybackpacker and Vera.. it's actually my Birthday!



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I work in a Call Center. My daily life includes coffee, aspirins, coffee, my love life, my family, more coffee, my friends, blogging, even more coffee, insomnia, dreams and daydreaming and oh.. yes,
my job.


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